Whurlplug, created by John Louch, is a Power Macintosh native Netscape™ plugin for viewing 3DMF models. Whurlplug is currently under devlopment and is considered demoware. Whurlplug relies on QuickDraw 3D, Apple's 3D graphics API, for rendering, picking, and navigation. Whurlplug allows you to view and act upon 3D models that are present on the web. At this time it has simple keyboard navigation, with mouse control coming in a later version
Note: Whurlplug requires QuickDraw 3D. If you don't have QuickDraw 3D, you can obtain it through the QuickDraw 3D web site (http://www.info.apple.com/qd3d). The latest version is 1.0.4.
Please send any requests or bug reports John Louch (jlouch@apple.com)
Version History
1.0d1 - Initial release to the public
1.0d2 - Fixed memory leak bugs, if you were running with a debug version
of Quickdraw 3D you would have these bugs as Macsbug errors.
- Added ROTATE attribute for the <EMBED …> HTML command.
- Fixed problems with the popup menu in non-active mode.
1.0d3 - Fixed memory allocation bugs
- Added TOOLBAR attribute for the <EMBED …> HTML command.
- Added command clicking to bring up the popup menu
1.0d4 - Fixed clipping problems
1.0d5 - Allow ROTATE attribute to take float and negative numbers
- During keyboard navigation the object is now centered in the view
1.0d6 - Fixed problem where Whurlplug would crash if your monitor was set to
to 256 colors or lower.
Known Bugs
• There are some problems with the code that cause the frame to draw around the plugin.
Quick How to Use
To install:
Drag the Whurlplug icon into the "Plug-ins" folder of Netscape 2.0.
To manipulate a 3D model:
Use the buttons in the toolbar. From left to right these tools are:
Camera - Click and hold on this button, a popup menu will appear allowing you to reset the camera.
Distance - Click and drag upward to move the object away from you. Drag down to move the item towards you.
Rotation - Click on the object or outside of the object and move the mouse. Notice that the positioning of where you click determines the axis and type fo rotation.
Panning - Click and drag right or left of up or down to pan the object around on the screen
To navigate a 3D model:
Currently navigation is controlled through the keyboard, make sure the plugin is focused by clicking in it, before you navigate. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate.
- Up arrow: will move you into the model
- Down arrow: will move you away from the model
- Left arrow : will move you to the left of the model
- Right arrow: will move you to the right of the model
- Control + Up arrow: will move you up
- Control + Down arrow: will move you down
- Shift + Up arrow: will cause you to rotate around yourself by looking up
- Shift + Down arrow: will cause you to rotate around yourself by looking down
- Shift + Left arrow: will cause you to rotate around yourself by looking left
- Shift + Right arrow: will cause you to rotate around yourself by looking right
Rotate Environment
- Option Shift + Up arrow: will rotate around the center the model by moving up
- Option Shift + Down arrow: will rotate around the center the model by moving down
- Option Shift + Left arrow: will rotate around the center of the model by moving left
- Option Shift + Right arrow: will rotate around the center of the model by moving right
- Option + Up arrow: will cause you to look up
- Option + Down arrow: will cause you to look down
- Option + Left arrow: will cause you to look left
- Option + Right arrow: will cause you to look right
- '-' key: will make you smaller relative to the model
- "=" key: will make you larger relative to the model
To Handle URL links:
Whurlplug understands URLs that are attached to 3D objects in a model. I you move your mouse over one of these models then the 3D object will blink and the Netscape™ status bar will tell you the url you are over. If you click on that object you will be taken to the URL. If you need to create model that have url links you can use BeWhurled (located at Apple Computers, Inc. home page http://www.info.apple.com/qd3d) or other modeling packages such as Microspot's 3D world. Note: holding the control key down when over a URL will allow you to navigatge with your mouse without taking you to the URL.
Settings Popup Menu:
I you hold the mouse down on the toolbar at the bottom of the plugin, you will get a popup allowing you to set the background color, save the 3D object to disk and other options. If the plugin is not active (see discussion below) then pressing anywhere and holding will cause the popup to appear. Note: To force the popup to appear anywhere hold the command key down while clicking.
How to Create Web Content
Whurlplug can be embeded or take over the full screen depending on how you set up your html page.
The mime type for 3DMF (Apple Computer, Inc.'s 3D metafile format) is x-world/x-3dmf. The extensions that Whurlplug understands are .3dmf, .3dm, .qd3d, .qd3.
There currently a bug in Netscape which causes files of creator 'ttxt' (TeachText) to not be understood correctly.